Our Case Managers and Advocates are available to help victims navigate their way from danger and vulnerability to a place of safety and hope. This is what you can expect when you come into the Center:
First, you will be greeted by our receptionist who will ask you to fill out an intake form.
Next, an advocate will meet with you to listen to your story. We have some tools that will help the two of you discern the level of danger you may be experiencing and how best to proceed with the services we can offer, including a safety plan.
Services include, but are not limited to the following:
Referrals for medical attention
Emergency safe shelter
Consultation with a domestic violence detective
Individual and/or group counseling
Referral to Adult Protective Services
Referral to a Victim Advocate at the District Attorney’s office
Assistance with California Victim Compensation Board’s application
Personal hygiene products and clothing if needed
Child therapy
Should you need assistance with a restraining order, your victim advocate will provide a warm handoff to one of our FJC attorneys who will take it from there.